I just haven't been able to write lately.
A 13 year old boy in our town choose to end his short precious life. He and C played in the neighborhood and all summer at the pool while growing up. I will never forget how he wore his "shark fins and goggles" to chase all the kids around the shallow end. I can't believe that his life was that bad. He was having anxiety at school and it has come out that there was major bullying.
I am so sorry for the family.
A dear friend that has been trying to have a baby for years suffered a miscarriage last week. She was 37 weeks pregnant, on bedrest and doing great. Placenta previa. before they could even get to the hospital it was over. A perfect baby boy.
I am so sorry for the family.
I took my aunt to the hospital last week to have a procedure on her back. The surgeon came out to let me know that she was in really bad shape and if she didn't change her ways (diabetes and an alcoholic) she would not live much longer.
"2- 3 years?", I asked.
"Try weeks", was his reply.
She is 64 years old and has a body of an 85 year old. She refuses to change and her son has washed his hands of the whole mess. Its up to me and Nana Judy to handle everything.
I am so sad for my family.
Not much in comparison, but huge in Paintboy's life.
PB's car got broken into and all of his camera equipment was stolen. He takes photographs in addition to painting. This is serious equipment, thousands of dollars. Lots of them.
This is a man that is never without his camera. He feels like a part of him is missing. I feel like I am going to vomit know that he will replace it all, very soon.
My perfect town has been violated
my peacful world has been invaded
and none of it is funny