I was so busy, as we all are this time of year, but add on to the normal stress with 400 clients all wanting to look fantastic for their own festivities.
I decided to decompress last Monday. I did all the usual Monday chores- Laundry, bathing the dogs, general straightening up of life. Then I sat down with my cookbooks and made my lists.
COOKIES! I love to bake. This year I am adding to the usual sugar cookies with: macaroons, chocolate snow top cookies, rugelach and 2 types of fudge.
I got busy. While one dough was chilling, I made the next. While decorating one, I melted chocolate for another. I had an assembly line going.
The Rugelach turned out great- apricot and raspberry! My favorite. So easy with a secret that I found in a magazine this year. They have been my favorite cookie for a long time, but too much trouble to make very often. This trick will change all that.
The Snow tops were missing something, namely the nuts which my boys dislike. They needed something. They turned out so pretty, but beauty was only skin deep. They will be trashed before today is over-1 week and you are out of here. I thought they were dry and boring. Not my recipe, so, Oh well!
The Macaroons turned out fantastically. This year I added almond paste and they were so yummy. After sending a bag home with friends and taking some to the salon- they are all gone. I may have to revisit them again.
The fudge (chocolate marshmallow and peanut butter) is sitting in the fridge taunting me. I am encouraging everyone to eat it and I am sending it to all the neighbors. It made way too much!
This week will bring sugar cookies and jam thumbprints from Ida Garten. Her recipe is the absolute best. I'll let you know how baking round 2 turns out!