my free weekend!
Yep, that's right. Paint boy and the kids are heading to his parents for the weekend.
I am the total winner here!
No Husband!
No kids!
'Cause I'm free to do what I want any 'ol time!
I am going to have dinner on Friday night with friends.
(I just have to figure out who I like enough to spend my special night. hee,hee)On Saturday, Nana Judy has pencilled me in on her calendar. It's officially "Hair Girl day". We are starting off our day with a ton of Christmas shopping. I will be completed by the end of Saturday if it kills me.
We will eat what ever we can
scavenge while on the gift hunt. Then we have massages scheduled at 4:30. Its a perfect day!
BTW, while discussing our massages today, Nana said that she had a "couple of gift certificates" that we could use.
HG-Okay, great! But how many?
-(pulling out a stack that equals everyone that I have given her in the last 2 years) Enough!
HG- Mom, you always get excited when we give you these. Why haven't you used them?
NJ-I am always excited, because eventually you will offer to take me and I can spend the day with just you.
HG- Well, we could do that any time.
(feeling guilty)NJ- No, we are both too busy, we have to make plans and write it on my calendar.
HG-Let's look at your calendar and we will schedule another day.
Mmmm, I think I can work you in at the end of January.
Smiling and not kiddingSo this means that in a convoluted way I paid for my massage 2 years ago!
Also, that my mom is very busy taking care of 2 sets of church friends, my aunt, my boys and all the assorted charities for whom she volunteers. She has been trying to become a substitute teacher now that she's retired, but she can't find the time. She should have been using the Gift Certificates for massages.